Qazish hajmini hisoblash kalkulyator online

Bizning onlayn kalkulyator yer ishlari hajmini hisoblash sizga yordam beradi.
Ko'pincha bilan rivojlantirish tranxene uchun Asos, qazish yoki boshqa yer ishlari, mijoz kerak nou avans miqdori ish, chunki to'lov uchun bu xizmatlar holda belgilanadi asoslangan hajmi (m3), bu holda, siz mumkin soni bo'yicha bizning kalkulyator va baholash butun ko'lamini ishini rivojlantirish to'rtburchaklar, polygonal va dumaloq kovaklariga va xandaklar bilan yon bag'irlari.

Indicate the type of excavation:

Indicate the width of the pit on the bottom (m):

Indicate the length of the pit on the bottom (m):

Indicate the width of the pit on the top (m):

Indicate the length of the pit on the top (m):
Indicate the depth of the pit (m):

Volume of rectangular pit with slopes: 0 m3