Mahsulot narxini hisoblash kalkulyator online

Bizning onlayn kalkulyator siz tovarlar narxini hisoblash uchun yordam beradi.
Bu kalkulyator siz har qanday mahsulot narxi va og'irligi, bu sotuvchilar va xaridorlar uchun katta savdo qiymati kalkulyator bo'ladi hisoblash imkonini beradi.
Juda ko'p har bizni ehtiyojlarini bilish qiymati mahsulot gramm yoki kilogramm, hisoblash yodda ba'zan qiyin, lekin hozir har bir kishi osonlik bilan ko'rish to'g'ri narxlari uchun og'irligi, qancha olish uchun bir gramm (kilogramm) yoki nima bo'ladi og'irligi uchun berilgan qator rubl.

***** Find out the cost of the product in grams, knowing the price per 1 kg *****
I take for the price in

If the product costs «?» $ per kilogram,
then that means what «?» gram, I'll just pay «?» $
***** Find out how many grams will come out of the amount *****
On the at cost

If the product costs «?» $ per kilogram, then that means what,
«?» $ I will buy «?» gram.
***** Find out how much kg or gram will come from gram *****
At cost for price for

At a cost of «?» $ for «?» gram, price for «?» gram
makes up «?» $.