The equation of the perpendicular bisector air-loidhne casan

Air casan a 'cuideachadh dhut ann solving na duilgheadasan air a' perpendicular bisector.
Seo an t-inneal seo cothrom dhut gus obrachadh a-mach gu luath the equation of the perpendicular bisectors gu sònraichte co-chomharran (X agus Y) airson points (A and B).

Perpendicular bisector — loidhne no ray a roinn a ' gearradh a-steach dà pàirtean co-ionnan aig an ceàrn de 90 ceum.

Bisector tha loidhne no ray a roinn a ' ghearraidh dìreach a-steach dà pàirtean co-ionnan.

A - X:

A - Y:

B - X:

B - Y:

Equation of bisector: