Calculation Deposit air-loidhne casan

Ar casan air-loidhne a thèid cuideachadh a thoirt dhut obrachadh a-mach an t-dovlozheny, an t-ùidh air an Deposit agus gu h-iomlan an t-gu tilleadh do Deposit.
Tha seo a Deposit casan aig a 'cheart àm, thèid obrachadh a-mach an ùidh aig an t agus a' chuairt dheireannach t-suim cur (profitability ri) sin a gheibh thu le bhith a 'cur a Deposit air a thathar a' moladh a thaobh ionmhais mar sin.

Deposit — san Banca Deposit ' s e sin a chaidh a dhealbhadh airson ùine accumulation of airgead, agus major purchases.
Feart a 'contributions,' s e an cunntas a bhith replenished chan beag h, a bharrachd air a ghabhas partial le taic de airgead.

Enter the deposit amount ($):

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Indicate the annual interest rate (%):

Specify a deposit replenishment option:

Indicate the option of capitalization of interest:

Your payments on this deposit:
Offer Amount:
Amount of interest on deposit:
The total amount to be returned: