The calculation a ' cosg de stuthan air-loidhne casan

Ar casan air-loidhne a thèid cuideachadh a thoirt dhut obrachadh a-mach cosgaisean bathair.
Tha seo a casan a 'leigeil leat goireasan a obrachadh a-mach a' phrìs agus cuideam sam bith product, ' s e mòr-malairt a chur air casan airson sellers agus buyers.
Gu math tric tha gach dhuinn feumaidh fios-air an toradh ann an grams no cileagram, a 'cunntadh ann an inntinn a tha e uaireannan doirbh, ach a-nis a h-uile duine, faodaidh gu furasta fhaicinn ceart agus cosgais airson a' chuideam, dè gu faigh grams (cileagram) no ciamar a thèid cuideam airson a chaidh a thoirt seachad àireamh de rubles.

***** Find out the cost of the product in grams, knowing the price per 1 kg *****
I take for the price in

If the product costs «?» $ per kilogram,
then that means what «?» gram, I'll just pay «?» $
***** Find out how many grams will come out of the amount *****
On the at cost

If the product costs «?» $ per kilogram, then that means what,
«?» $ I will buy «?» gram.
***** Find out how much kg or gram will come from gram *****
At cost for price for

At a cost of «?» $ for «?» gram, price for «?» gram
makes up «?» $.