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Calculation of the mass of construction nails DIN 1151.
Specify the size of the nail:

Specify the mass of the 1st nail (gr):

Indicate the quantity (pcs):

Specify the mass (kg):

Calculation of the mass of construction nails DIN 1151.
Specify the size of the nail:

Specify the mass of the 1st nail (gr):

Indicate the quantity (pcs):

Specify the mass (kg):

Calculation of the mass of finishing nails.
Specify the size of the nail:

Specify the mass of the 1st nail (gr):

Indicate the quantity (pcs):

Specify the mass (kg):

Calculation of the mass of roofing nails.
Specify the size of the nail:

Specify the mass of the 1st nail (gr):

Indicate the quantity (pcs):

Specify the mass (kg):

Calculation of the mass of slate nails.
Specify the size of the nail:

Specify the mass of the 1st nail (gr):

Indicate the quantity (pcs):

Specify the mass (kg):