Calculate the complex number online calculator

Online calculator which helps you calculate complex number.
This application allows to make calculations with complex numbers: multiplication, division, and square root of a given number.

A complex number is an expression of the form a + bi, where a, b are real numbers and i is the so-called imaginary unit, a symbol whose square is -1, i.e. i2 = -1.
The number a is called the real part and the number b imaginary part of the complex number z = a + bi.
If b = 0, instead of a + 0i simply write a.
It is seen that a real number is a special case of complex numbers.

***** Multiplication *****
[ (x+iy) × (x+iy) ]:
a: bi:
a: bi:
***** Division *****
[ (x+yi) / (x+yi) ]:
a: bi:
a: bi:
***** Square root *****
[ r1 = x+yi ; r2 = -x-yi ]:
a: bi: