The difference of arithmetic progression online calculator

Online calculator which helps you in solving the difference of the arithmetic progression.
An arithmetic progression is a numerical sequence, each member is equal to the sum of the previous number and a specific fixed number.
This constant number is called the difference of the arithmetic progression, or in other words, the difference (increment) arithmetic progression, the difference between the previous and next member.
When the difference is arithmetically positive, then such a progression is called increasing, and if the difference is negative, then decreasing arithmetic progression.

If the sum of the first n members and the first element of the progression are known:
n = - amount of elements
Sn = - is the sum of the first n members
a1 = - the first element of progression

If any two members of the progression are known:
i = - progression element number
ai = - element of progression
j = - progression element number
aj = - element of progression
d =