Encode to Ascii85 to text online Converter

Our online Converter will help you quickly encode a text in Ascii85.
This tool will be useful for you if you need to quickly encode text into Ascii85.

Ascii85 (Base85) is a form of encoding binary data using text, developed by Paul Rutter for the btoa library, and due to the fact that to encode 4 bytes of data is used 5 ASCII characters (processed data on the 1⁄₄ more than the original, when using 8-bit ASCII characters), achieved greater efficiency than in the case of uuencode or Base64 encoding where every 3 bytes are encoded with 4 characters (an increase of 1⁄₃ ơ under the same conditions) and is used mainly in PostScript and Portable Document Format of Adobe.

Specify the text to be processed: