Decode HTML code (convert the original HTML) online Converter

Our online Converter will help you to instantly decode an HTML code (convert the HTML back to the original).
This Converter can decode the HTML back into the original HTML code, it is necessary in the case if your HTML was previously encoded and now you again want to get the original HTML code.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language), or "hypertext markup language" is a standardized markup language for documents on the Internet, the vast majority of web pages contain a description of the markup language HTML or XHTML, the HTML language is interpreted by browsers and the resulting interpretation of the formatted text is displayed on the monitor screen of your computer or mobile device, while it is not a programming language.
The HTML language was developed by British scientist Tim Berners-Lee in 1986-1991 in the walls of the CERN in Geneva.
HTML was created solely as a language for the exchange of scientific and technical documentation suitable for use by people who are not specialists in the field of typesetting.

Specify the HTML code to be processed: