Decode Base64 to image online Converter

Our online Converter will help you decode the Base64 string to an image.
This Converter is required if you have an image encoded in a Base64 string and you want the code back to transform/convert the image and save it on your computer.
To get the image in your favorite format, you need to specify in the form of a string in Base64, and then displays the image that will be retained.

Base64 is a standard encoding binary data using only 64 ASCII characters, the basic alphabet of the encoding contains a text-digital Latin characters A-Z, a-z and 0-9 (62 characters) and 2 additional characters depending on the system implementation, each original 3 bytes are encoded with 4 characters (an increase of 1⁄ ₃ ơ).

Specify the Base64 line with the image: