Our online Converter will help you convert color HEX to RGB.
This Converter will be useful in case you need to quickly and online convert color HEX to RGB, color HEX example: #06d106.
Hex denotes hexadecimal number system (hex slot).
RGB (red, green, blue) or KZS is an additive color model and often describing a method of coding color for color reproduction by using three colors, which are called the main, the choice of colors is caused by peculiarities of physiology of color perception of the retina of the human eye, the RGB color model has found wide applications in engineering.
The image in this color model consists of three channels, mixing of primary colors, e.g., blue (B) and red (R), it turns purple (M, magenta), green (G) and red (R) yellow (Y-yellow), green (G) and blue (B) cyan (C, cyan). By mixing all three primary colors produces white (W, white).