Convert BMP image to GIF online Converter

Our online Converter will help you convert BMP image to GIF of any size with preserving original quality.
This Converter will be useful in case if your computer does not have graphic editor or image Converter, and you need a quick and online to convert image from BMP format to GIF, to convert select the required image on the device and get instantly the result.

BMP (Bitmap Picture) is a format for storing bitmap images, developed by Microsoft, the file of the BMP format can have an extension .bmp, .dib and .rle.
With the BMP format supports a number of programs, as his support is integrated into Windows operating systems and OS/2, and in addition, the data in this format are included in binary resource files RES and PE files.
This format can only store a single layer of rasters, for each pixel in different files can have different number of bits (color depth), microsoft is offering bits: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48 and 64 in bitnorth 8 and below, the color indicated by the index of the color table (palette), and at large immediate value, the color is the same in any case can only be set in the RGB color model (as with the direct instruction in the pixel and the color table), but bitnorth 16 and 32 it is possible to obtain Grayscale with a depth of 16 and 32 bits, respectively.

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is a popular raster graphics format images, it is able to store the compressed data without quality loss in format more than 256 colors.
Not dependent on hardware the GIF format was developed in 1987 (GIF87a) by CompuServe for the transmission of raster images over networks, and in 1989 the format was modified (GIF89a), added support for transparency and animation, GIF uses LZW compression, which allows you to compress files in which many homogeneous fillings (logos, inscriptions, schemes) for quite a while GIF was one of the most common formats on the Internet.

После обработки файла, вы получите изображение GIF format!