Calculate the power of heater and temperature controller for aquarium online calculator

Our online calculator will help you calculate the required power of the heater and the thermostat for the aquarium.
Water is a living space for aquatic plants and fishes and it should be warm from 22 to 26 degrees, the temperature depends on the type of plants and fish in the aquarium and also impossible to avoid sudden changes in temperature, the water temperature in the aquarium should be constant, decrease or fluctuations in temperatures can cause death of your aquarium inhabitants.
All aquarium fish are tropical, while some carry a strong enough decreasing temperature, and another 25 degrees will not be enough, and the temperature of the water in the aquarium is very important and we must carefully treat him.
This calculator will help you calculate wattage for aquarium of any size.

Indicate the volume of the aquarium (liters):

Indicate room temperature (°C):

Indicate the desired temperature in the aquarium (°C):

Heater Power (W):