To calculate the thickness of plastic bags online calculator

Our online calculator will help you calculate the thickness of the plastic bag.
This useful tool can easily calculate the thickness of plastic package for food or debris.
Plastic bag — used for carrying and storage and any materials made from plastic film, the first time such a package was produced in the United States in 1957.
Now in forty countries, the acute problem with the ban on production and use of plastic bags, the problem is that waste packages stored for a long time and are not biodegradable, therefore in these countries, plastic bags was made to substitute biodegradable bags, their advantage is that in a few months they themselves decompose and do not harm nature.

Indicate the weight of the roll in grams:

Indicate the length of one packet in meters:

Specify the package width in meters:

Indicate the number of packets per roll:

The thickness of the package in microns: