Material calculation for belt monolithic or precast Foundation online calculator

Our online calculator will help you in calculating the material for strip Foundation under any building.
Each person can lay the strip Foundation, this is nothing complicated, the main pre-as deeply as possible to learn how to do it right from the necessary material and taking into account the future load of the building on this Foundation.
This calculator will show you what volume of concrete M200-M300 needed to fill your strip Foundation and the right amount of ribbed rebar diameter 12-14mm.
Strip Foundation is a monolithic concrete strip, or the team that is placed under the outer walls and distributes the weight of the building on the perimeter, this Foundation is recommended for the construction of wooden and monolithic buildings, but also perfect for the stone buildings.
To get the result enter the perimeter of the Foundation, the tape width, depth and weight of reinforcement per 1 m3 in kg.
According to the structure (strip Foundation) can be monolithic or prefabricated monolithic poured concrete solution to the valve, and the Assembly is made of separate concrete blocks.

Indicate the perimeter of the foundation (m):

Indicate the width of the tape (m):

Indicate the depth of the foundation (m):

Indicate the weight of the reinforcement per 1 m3 (kg):

Concrete volume which is necessary for a tape: m3
Weight of fittings that is necessary for the tape: kg